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Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #2 Review

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #2
Peter Parker has come face-to-face with his sister but is there more to this story than meets the eye. Let's find out in issue number two. So, as the second issue opens up we catch up with Peter Parker who is of course in Chicago and here we see Peter is face to face with Ironheart who was joking about the fact that he is here to arrest her but he says, that she is the wrong person.

He wasn't actually here to arrest Ironheart. It's more so that he's after the actual Infamous Iron Man, who is of course Doctor Doom but for now he'll just settle for getting her autograph. So, Ironheart isn't going to have none of his crap and she quickly just you know, bolts right into him. Takes him up into the sky, they both come crashing down and then there's a tiny little fight and then after that's all said and done we see, Peter Parker finally gets to talk to Tony Stark, or at least the AI consciousness that is Tony.

Then he really ends up flying Peter back to New York. Back in New York, as Peter enters his room he is greeted by Teresa and the Human Torch; Johnny Storm. This is where we caught up on the history of who exactly she is. She is actually a CIA agent but not only that, she knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.
peter parker the spectacular spider-man 2017
Parker Family Business
So over the course of the next several pages, we really get to kind of get the entire story it involves; Kingpin, his parents that were super spies, some mental manipulation, the involvement of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. We get a look at some of these Spider-Man villains that he saw.

The Vulture gets a name drop because, you know, close to the Spider-Man: Homecoming movie and it turns out that they're after some valuable data. Now, where exactly is it located? Well, turns out it's inside of her. It turns out that S.H.I.E.L.D.  has been developing a new process of actually hiding data and it's hidden inside the bloodstream of people, which is hard enough to extract within itself.
peter parker the spectacular spider-man
Break Movie Date
I mean just think about that you have sensitive data that is attached to your blood cells. Yeah, it's comics. Whatever, I'll buy into it. So, she is tired and she's been on the run for a couple of days trying to get here. She's going to take a break while Peter and Johnny go out and well kind of just you know do what they do. Bicker at each other and you know, quickly Peter goes off while Johnny's left to babysit his sister.
peter parker the spectacular spider-man vol 1
A Third Identity

We see, Peter is doing what he's going to do best and by that, I mean the most mundane tasks such as paying six dollars for a goddamn latte. New York prices man. I've been there and no exaggeration it's expensive. So, while Peter is here talking to Rebecca as she's kind of thrown away on everything that's going on and they're just having a good old conversation as friends.
peter parker the spectacular spider-man review
Mystery Untracable Network
We see that a bunch of well no good stuff is going to happen around and everything gets distracted and they get into a little bit of a, I guess you want to call it a tussle but it doesn't end in violence. So, that's good but then Peter gets a call from Ironheart and she informs Peter that he might want to go visit the Kingpin of crime; Wilson Fisk.
peter parker the spectacular spider-man #2 2017
Top Level Baddy
That's where the issue ends. Overall, it's a good second issue and it definitely doesn't have the impact at the ending of the first one did but we'll find out how this goes and how hopefully eventually leads into Secret Empire. Because, while they even mention and this happens right before that event. We'll see how this has any impact on what's happening with Spider-Man in modern day.

I really did enjoy this comic. It's a good series and it's really fun as writer Chip Zdarsky (Sex Criminals, Howard the Duck) and artist Adam Kubert (Weapon X, Wolverine) really cooked this story up good enough for the fans. I would give this one an 8 out of 10.


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